monday evening, i spent with a highly intelligent man. one who uses his hands and his mind, as well as, his heart. his name is joel salatin. the man speaks directly from my inside me. during his talk (at ubc - with 200 other people, unfortunately) all i could do was nod my head in agreement and it took every ounce of my non-religious self to not get up and cry, "amen!! Let the pig express it's pigness!!"....ja, ok - so i had a holy moment.
a bit of background:"...the farm [polyface farm] arguably represents America’s premier non-industrial food production oasis. Believing that the Creator’s design is still the best pattern for the biological world, the Salatin family invites like-minded folks to join in the farm’s mission: to develop emotionally, economically, environmentally enhancing agricultural enterprises and facilitate their duplication throughout the world..." (http://www.polyfacefarms.com/story.aspx)
i love that this man - his family and community - have managed to bring together the ultimate wholeness of farming: happy (!!) animals, grassy fields, forest, humans, community, education, innovation, love, honesty and - arguably joel's favorite, the earthworm. the story of polyface farm is one of a marriage of philosophy, hard work, passion and humanity.
i know...i will turn down my gushing enthusiasm and admiration a bit now - but honestly - we need more men (and it takes a real man, to be a sissy farmer) like him, who share their passion and make a change. even if it is just a local one ;)
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