Friday, January 14, 2011

blue gold & no-impact man

i watched 'blue gold: world water wars' last night [why not learn something while painting]. and 'no-impact man' the night before. both are interesting in their own rights - my preference being "blue gold'. wait, i'll go on a tangent of 2 now....

i think most of us are well aware of the fact that water is now, thanks once again to human manipulation of mother earth, a finite resource, but as with all other environmental, social, political or health problems, we like to forget about it 'for now' and deal with it 'when we really can't ignore it anymore'. well, that times happens to be now.

i am not sure what i am most appalled about: the privatization & control of water, the cowardly gov't's [
including ours!!] willingness to take it up the a** by big corporations, the sickeningly ironic & controlling love affair between africa & coca cola [satan] the farmer who stabs himself in the heart [yes, i cried], the limitless corruption or the shamelessness with which we are poisoning our future generations, not just physically, but in every other possible way of life.

what kind of examples are we setting? oh, could i forget; murder, rape and pillage.

i guess why change our habits now?

no-impact man.....well, right off the bat i didn't like this wife. i know, i know, don't be such a bitch and give the woman a chance to show her true....cuntiness. yes, that 's the right word. $945 boots and those retarded iced frappa-whatever-the-f drinks?? c'mon. for real? anyway, the guy, colin - he's cool; he wants to help the world, through his own actions. how noble [it kinda is]. his mission: for his family of 3 to live life in nyc as 'green as possible' for 1 year. throughout this whole shebang there is a constant struggle between himself and his caffeine addicted, reality tv and consumer luxury dependent wife. she whines and complains about all the hardships, and he's the one doing all the work, enthusiastically, and adoringly evolves their daughter in every step of the way.

i don't get her, or people like her.....i don't get most ppl. i like to think that i have come a long way from, say, 10 yrs ago. a little revolution happened in my brain - the synapses stood up in revolt to my lifestyle and thinking about the world - with their little fists in the air, they cried, "hey you! stop feeding me rubbish, using toxic products from a-z, wasting everything and being blind to what is going on around you!" took a lot of reading, continuous learning, experimenting and countless discussions with ppl to change my ways. all in all, it takes effort to be 'natural'; being a hippie is a full-time job nowadays, if you still have a 9-5 and live within our society, reading labels, cooking from scratch, avoiding, avoiding and more avoiding.

but i think it's worth it in the end...a little change, bit by bit, is a good thing. trust me - if colin's wife can can come around, chances are so can u...she's a lot less cunty in the end ;)

anyway, here's the trailer:

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